4600 Broadway Sacramento Health ClinicApril 20, 2022
Primary Care Clinic Sacramento 4600 Broadway Sacramento 5 FREE Clinics South Sacramento. You can go to any free clinic near me in Sacramento even if you do not live in South Sacramento. You can try to call the clinics, but they are usually only open on the specific days and times listed. Tip: Arrive early if you are a walk-in and plan to stay awhile by giving your children some crayons, coloring books and snacks to bring.
Primary Care Clinic Sacramento County
4600 Broadway,
95820 map
Ph. (916) 874-9670 Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. (916) 874-8912-24hr clinic information. Broadway Clinic. The Sacramento County Primary care clinic provides walk in non-emergency services, including dental, to people with CMISP or no health insurance and the homeless at this Sacramento County Clinic. Meadowview Clinic
2118 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, CA 95832 map Ph. (916) 427-0368 Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Free and income-based physicals or children. Imani Clinic
3415 Martin Luther King Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95817 map Ph. (916) 475-9582 Open on Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Free walk-in only Sacramento primary care clinic services to the uninsured, Targeting the African American community in Oak Park Sacramento but open to everyone. No Dental, Eye or Pediatrics. We provide acute and chronic primary care including but not limited to: Full physical exams, Prescription Refills, Health Education, Pap Smears, Pregnancy Testing, HIV/ STD testing, Birth Control Prescription, Depression Screening and Counseling, Substance abuse Screening and Counseling. Hope Well Child Clinic
4401 44th Street, Sacramento, CA 95820 map Ph. (916) 427-0368 Hours: Monday and Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Walk in clinic near me in Sacramento. Joan Viteri Memorial Clinic
3647 40th Street, Sacramento, CA 95817 map Ph. (916) 427-0368 Saturdays: 12:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Free regular primary care clinic on most Saturdays. Sign ups at 12:00 p.m. (located at Harm Reduction Services) "Women's clinic is the last Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. of every month. Gender clinic is the first and third Friday nights of every month." Harm Reduction Services
2800 Stockton Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95817 Ph. (916) 247-2335 Services Offered: Syringe Access. Medical Free Clinic. Hours: Syringe Exchange at the Harm Reduction Services office Tuesday through Saturday from 10am to 4pm. Medical free clinic most Saturdays. Sign-in at 11am. Search for your local primary care clinic
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