Free Outpatient Drug Rehab

Outpatient Alcohol Rehab Sacramento Outpatient Rehab

Outpatient Substance Abuse Programs

April 10, 2023

Free Outpatient Rehab and Outpatient Drug Rehab Sacramento

Outpatient drug rehab centers Sacramento based on income for Subsidized and sliding scale for youth, families and individuals seeking drug or free alcohol outpatient treatment programs Sacramento.

AOD Sacramento County Alcohol and Drug Services

AOD assessment Sacramento County AOD program
3321 Power Inn Road, Suite 20, Sacramento, CA 95826, Map
County of Sacramento
(916) 874-9754
Walk in Begin here for subsidized (free) outpatient drug treatment Sacramento services. For any cost of outpatient alcohol treatment Sacramento centers or outpatient drug rehabilitation services subsidized (free) treatment program you will need to go to the AOD and complete an intake. Medi-cal subsidized outpatient drug addiction treatment centers in Sacramento AOD for outpatient drug rehab and outpatient alcohol program treatment serving 18 and over with ID and proof of Sacramento residency for AOD outpatient drug and alcohol treatment. After eligibility for AOD substance abuse treatment at no cost or low cost outpatient drug rehab the AOD program can refer you to addiction treatment programs that take Medi-cal in Sacramento. Call the number for recorded instructions about the Sacramento County outpatient alcohol and drug treatment proram referral services. AOD is for County of Sacramento, not state funded rehab California. AOD Sacramento 501c3 Sacramento County Department of Health and Human Services.
Referral Service for Drug and Alcohol Inpatient treatment centers and Outpatient Rehabilitation Centers. If determined eligible at the screening then you may be placed on a waiting list.
Substance Use and Treatment Prevention Services.

Clean and Sober
1321 North C Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Serves Sacramento Area. At Friendship Park. A part of Loaves and Fishes Ph. (916) 498-0331
Free Outpatient drug treatment programs Sacramento and alcohol rehab and drug rehabilitation services with counseling and Recovery. No one is turned away because he or she lacks financial resources. Performed through therapy and counseling with the 12 steps. Non-medicated substance abuse therapy through groups and therapy. Group and one-on-one counseling.

Del Paso Heights Neighborhood Service Center
3970 Research Drive,, Sacramento, CA 95838
Ph. (916) 648-0366
Usually assists families through the cal works program. Accepts Medi-cal and people with no insurance. Drug and outpatient free alcohol treatment services Sacramento and assessment.

Strategies for Change-Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Sacramento
4441 Auburn Boulevard, Suite E,, Sacramento, CA 95841
Ph. (916) 473-5764 x0-North (916) 395-3552 x0-South
Outpatient Drug counseling Sacramento and outpatient alcohol counseling Sacramento treatment center for 18 and over that includes play care and fees are income-based or county subsidized. Also private pay 35.00 per group and 65.00 one-on-one for 6 month program. Accepts Medi-cal drug rehab.

MaaP Inc.
4241 Florin Road, Suite 110, Sacramento, CA 95823
Free outpatient drug rehab programs Sacramento and free outpatient alcohol treatment Sacramento programs for first-time misdemeanor offenders. Accepts probation and court referrals. Includes outpatient treatment for substance abuse Sacramento adolescent age group. Affordable payment plans.

Skyway House 
4441 Auburn Boulevard, Suite E, Sacramento, CA 95841
Ph. (916) 473-5764 x0-North (916) 395-3552 x0-South
Drug and alcohol outpatient rehab centers Sacramento for 18 and over that includes play care and fees are income-based or county subsidized. Also private pay 35.00 per group and 65.00 one-on-one for 6 month program. Accepts Medi-cal.

564 Rio Linda Avenue, Suite 103, Chico, CA 95692
Ph. (530) 898-8326 Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Outpatient drug rehab Sacramento centers and outpatient alcohol treatment centers Sacramento for single men and women's alcohol treatment counseling. Includes Native American, Veterans and Youth services. Fees are subsidized through County of Sacramento AOD or sliding scale. No waiting list. Fees are subsidized through AOD or sliding scale. For immediate intake complete a Skyway House treatment application online along with an AOD application or call for sliding scale intake according to SSI income, etc., or private pay.

Sobriety Brings A Change - Everyone can afford services at SBAC
4825 J Street, Suite 120,, Sacramento, CA 95814
Ph. (916) 454-4242
Outpatient alcohol rehab Sacramento center and drug abuse rehab for adolescents and adults on an out-patient basis. Sliding-scale and medi-cal accepted.

Bridges - Professional Treatment Services, Inc.-Drug/Alcohol/Sober Living
3600 Power Inn Road,, Sacramento, CA 95816
Ph. (916) 450-0700 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sliding scale fee outpatient drug treatment programs Sacramento and outpatient alcohol treatment Sacramento, individual counseling, and referrals for a women's residential treatment program. Sometimes a waiting list.

El Hogar Community Services
630 Bercut Drive, Suite C,, Sacramento, CA 95811
Ph. (916) 441-3819 Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Offers co-occurring outpatient treatment Sacramento groups and services to support individuals 18 and over with both mental health and drug addiction. No charge and must first call ACCESS Ph. (916) 875-9980 or (888) 881-4881 Toll Free Mon. Fri. 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. for eligibility and referral.

New Directions Counseling Associates
7996 Old Winding Way, Suite 300,, Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Ph. (916) 966-4523
Outpatient substance abuse treatment Sacramento facility for men's outpatient treatment Sacramento and women's drug and alcohol treatment including co-dependency. Fees are private pay and sliding-scale based on income.

Families Anonymous
3040 Becerra Way,, Sacramento, CA 95821map
Ph. (916) 966-4523
(Near Watt Avenue, turn-off from 150, just off Marconi Avenue, ) "The Lounge" go to counter for room.
Ph. (916) 402-2465 Meetings are each Sunday from 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
If you are a concerned parent or regarding the behavior of a loved one from drug or alcohol addiction, you are not alone. Families Anonymous is a place where we can share our problems with others who understand what the recovery does. Working together, we can overcome our feelings of helplessness and despair, as emotional, mental, or drug and alcohol addiction problems of a child affects the whole family.

5429 Palm Avenue, Suite A,, Sacramento, CA 95814 map
Ph. (916) 334-2970 or (916) 334-2971
At a Al Anon meetings Sacramento for friends and families of alcoholics where you can share your experience of how a loved one has been through an addition and pursuing drug and alcohol rehab. Hear from others how they cope with their experiences.

9960 Business Park Drive, Suite 110,, Sacramento, CA 95827 map
HOT LINE: (916) 454-1100 Business Ph. (916) 454-1771
A A meetings Sacramento Drug Rehab meetings and alcohol rehab meetings.